
Monday, July 22, 2013

John Lennon's Guitars

Although Lennon was a man of many different musical talents with harmonica, banjo, various piano, keyboards,(...) he was known for his rhythm guitar with The Beatles and his solo career.
John used various guitars including  Rickenbacker, Epiphone Casino, and various Gibson and Fender models.

Rickenbacker 325 (four models):
Rickenbacker 325
  • "Hamburg" was the nickname he gave his modified with Bigsby vibrato and nonstandard control knobs of his original 1958 model.
  • He also had a 1964 -six-string model named "Miami". Serial number DB122
  • He had a twelve-string guitar similar to "Miami" that he only used a few times in the studio. It's main purpose was songwriting when he was home
  • After John's second Rickenbacker had suffered from some damages, a Rose, Morris model 1966 Rickenbacker's Fireglo finish, with a standard sound f hole. He also used this guitar for home studio and song writing and later gave it to Ringo.

Epiphone Casino

 Epiphone Casino:
  • In 1968 John had a sunburst Epiphone Casino he removed the pickguard and changed the tuning machines to gold grovers and had it's paint stripped. Most known for The Beatles famous Rooftop concert

Framus Hotenanny

 Framus Hootenanny Acoustic:
  • A 12-string used during Help! and Rubber Soul sessions, also used in the recording of Polythene Pam. 

 Gibson Les Paul Jr. 
  •  was modified with the addition of a Charlie Christian pickup
Gibson J-160E
  Gibson J-160E Acoustic
  • Which was purchased September 10,1962. 
  • Matching to George's, who plays his Gibson J-160E in "I Need You" in the film Help!

Fender Stratocaster:
  • 1962 model
  • finish in Sonic Blue 
  • John used in 1966-1968 and was later stolen in 1968
Fender Telecaster

Höfner Senator:
  • Bought in 1960 according to George Harrison
  • Used for song writing purposes
  • Later given to The Beatles roadie, Mal Evans 
Guild Starfire XII:
  • Given to him by Guild in August 1966
  • Never used in studios.
  •  Most likely used for his home studio
  • Somehow got to Yoko Ono's first husband Tony Cox. 
  • Currently on display at the Hard Rock Cafe in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Gretsch 6120
Gretsch 6120:
  • Used in Revolver Sessions and for songwriting purposes in his home studio
  • Since 1967 has been in the possenion of Lennon's cousin, David Birch
  • Currently on display in the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame.
Martin D-28 :
  • bought in early 1967 and taken to India in February 1968
  • 1965 model
An Ovation Acoustic 

Yamaha Acoustic :
  • Custom made
  • Given to him by wife Yoko Ono
Höfner Club:
  • used after his Gallotone Champion 
  • suffered some damage.
Gibson Les Paul:
  •  25/50
  • Given to Julian for Christmas 1974
Fender Bass VI

Fender Jazz Bass

Vox Guitorgan:
  •   received it for an advertisement but somehow the deal never came back to get it
  •  John eventually gave the guitar along with his Höfner Senator to road manager and good friend Mal Evans.

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