
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Photograph by Ringo Starr

Earlier this year Ringo released a book called Photograph on digital edition for iPads. The book is filled with unseen pictures Ringo took of himself and the others throughout the eight years The Beatles were together. There are 2,500 copies of a hand-bound editions signed by Ringo himself that are being sold in the US for $550. The book contains 304 pages including 240 photos of the boys and himself. The book launching took place earlier this year with his wife, Barbara Bach, and Olivia Harrison. Previously in 2004, Starr released a book called Postcards from The Boys, filled with letters from the other Beatles. All profits made from these two books were and are being donated to the Lotus Foundation which helps with Social Welfare. After releasing Photograph he got many responses asking if Ringo will make an autobiography,
"I've been asked to do my autobiography, but they're really only interested in eight years," Starr says, "But i had a life before I joined The Beatles, and I've had one after I left. There would be five volumes before I got into The Beatles. I can't remember ever reading anyone's autobiography. It's just too much reading. I thought this was abetter way to do it."
While searching through his old photographs he came across a picture of a group of kids in a car outside of JFK Airport after The Beatles had landed on US soil on February 7, 1964. Ringo remembers taking the photo,
"They all put the windows down and I thought, 'Hey, I got me camera, I'll take them." and guess what? They really saw us and we saw them"
After launching the book Starr was curious to see who these kids  and who he called "The Mystery Man" in the background were so he let out a little hunt for them. All of them were found living on the East Coast. Starr does not want to reunite with them and says he just wants to have that one memory when everyone was having the time of their lives.

"I think it's a much better way because you'll tell the story and you have a page to write and then you have a picture, so this is the best way for me.
'- Ringo Starr on his book Photograph
 The following photographs are all taken by Ringo Starr or by using Ringo's camera.
Paul McCartney and John Lennon
George Harrison
Paul's Beatles girlfriend, Jane Asher

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and George Harrison
John Lennon

Self Portrait

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