
Friday, July 4, 2014

7 Days of Starr Day 4- Barbara Bach

For James Bond fan's Barbara Bach's name may ring a  bell as she was the Bond girl in the 1977 James Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me.

On Seventeen magazine
Barbara Goldbach was born on 27 August, 1947 in Rosedale Queens to the Irish Catholic, Majorie and Jewish Howard Goldbach. She would grow up living in Jackson Heights and  attendeding Catholic High School in Jamaica Queens up to age sixteen when she left to pursuit a job as a model. The following year she shortened her name from Goldbach to Bach and had become part of the Eileen Ford Agency where she was sent to Rome to model and be featured on the cover of "Seventeen" magazine, becoming known as one the best Top models. While in Rome she had fallen in love with Augusto Gregorini, an Italian businessman who was eleven years older than her, the following year the two were married and would like Rome. While in the relationship with Gregorini she gave birth to Francesca in 1969 and Gianni in 1973. Moving to Italy didn't just provide Bach with a family but it started her career as an actress;
"In Italy I was casually asked on the street if I would do something for television. One of those things they say happens, and it did. Franco Rossi, an Italian director asked me if I would do the Odyssey."-Barbara Bach
She had then began her career filling small positions in Italian films, then Cubby Broccoli, a producer had discovered her, from then on she would become part of films like Il Mio Monsignore, Last Chance and a handful of others.
As Anya Amasova
"I think that I have been looking all my life for a leading lady who looks like Barbara Bach."- Cubby Broccoli
Amongst her appareances in several films Brocolli and director Lewis Gilbert had hired Bach to play the part of Anya Amasova in the 1977 film, The Spy Who Loved Me, becoming one of the legendary Bond Girls. Cubby would go on to say that she "had the look of a tiger..." Her role would lead her to be known as "Queen of the B-Movies"

In 1978 Augusto and Barbara had divorced where she stated that they were more of friends than anything. Despite her divorce, Barbara went on to continue her career as an actress when se played Marizza, a Yugoslavian in a film alongside Harrison Ford, in Force Ten From Navarone. The same year it had become clear to 15,000 models and actresses that the series Charlies Angles were searching for a new angel as Kate Jackson had left. It had come down to two contestants, Barbara Bach and Shelley Hack. On 13 April, 1979 it was announced that Bach had become to the new angel. After making a little mistake the job was taken from Bach and offered to Shelley;
"One of them asked me what I was doing afterwards. I couldn't believe that. Then they asked me what sports I took part in. I told them swimming, skiing, softball, basketball, things as that. They asked me what languages I spoke. I told them fluent Italian and French and Spanish. After I told them I had been in 17 films, they asked what  I could bring to Charlie's Angels. That's when I made my big mistake, I said; 'me'. They said I was to sophisticated in attitude and looks. They also wanted to know if I could play American roles. I was brought up in NY, I suppose they were confused because I started acting in Europe and because of those James Bond Films, and in Force 10 from Navarone, I played a European and so I used a European accent."- Barbara Bach
Ringo Starr had been working with Carl Gottlie on a comedy called Caveman where Ringo himself would be a lead actor along with his co-starr, Barbara Bach. The two met in Mexico in February 1980 and had a "love at first sight" experience. During the same year in May as the couple were traveling through England the two were part of a near-fatal car accident where Ringo decided that he never wanted to be separated from her and on 27 April, 1981 guest Paul and Linda McCartney and George and Olivia Harrison had gathered in Marylebone Register Office as Barbara Bach became Barbara Starkey wearing a dress designed by David and Elizabeth Emmanuel.

Bach is now retired after making a few after apperances, one being in Paul McCartney's film, Give My Regards to Broad Street, in 1984. She is part of the Rumanian Angel, an organization founded by Olivia Harrison, Yoko Ono, and herself; She is also active in the Live Aid "Fashion Aid. Olivia Harrison and her campaigned for "Paretns for Safe Food" and in 1991 Barbara and George Harrison's first wife, Pattie Boyd, set up a free clinic, SHARP, for addicts. Barbara now resigns in Monte Carlo with Ringo. For more information on Barbara I recommend The Following Video is "I'm Yours" by Ringo Starr;

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